Saturday, April 14, 2012

How Twitter Has Helped My Business

Twitter is the People You Want to Meet; Facebook is Who You Already Know

Twitter Icon 
Can 140 characters truly help you build relationships on a personal and/or business basis?  Yes!  It can!

When I joined Twitter in February of 2010, I did not know how to use Twitter - I didn't "get it".  The program simply did not make sense to me.  I could see Tweets from other people but did not know how to interact with them or how to find direct messages or mentions.  In essence, I was stuck and thus, I gave up on Twitter.

But, sometime in late 2010, I attended a social media information session that taught me about Hoot-suite (we will talk about it later), and soon, I was a very active Twitter user making lots of Tweets and connecting with lots of people!

And thus, the story of how I benefited from Twitter begins...

The Early Days

As I started to learn how to use Twitter, I wanted to expand who I was following and who followed me.

Twitter Lists are a great way to see more tweets

By following lists of people made by fellow tweeters, I was able to meet more people in my community and also those with similar interests.  I have now met many people through Twitter and have gotten to know them through their Tweets.

Fellow tweeters will also help you learn Tweet Etiquette.  Some important rules to follow:
  • Do Not Spam.
  • Use regular case for posts (do not use all caps or numbers).
  • Follow users who follow you (Spam bots excepted).
  • Give credit for Retweets (RT) and Mentions.
  • Engage people by responding to their tweets or asking questions or sharing information/links.
  • Make sure to explain a link when you post it instead of simply posting a link.  this prevents people from fearing it is spam/phishing scheme.
  • Promote other people.  If using #FollowFriday #FF, remember to tell us why we should follow someone.
  • Be social.  Be humourous. Be informal but in a professional way (particularly if tweeting for business).
  • Space out your tweets throughout the day to avoid over-cluttering the timeline with just your posts.
  • Provide value with your tweets.

Benefits of Twitter

Locally, I have discovered food venues and other businesses because of recommendations and posts on Twitter.  Without Twitter, I may never have experienced the bliss achieved by consuming Laurie's Sweets & Treats PMS Bars (@lauriewarwick) or learned the delights of Pie Wood Pizza (@piewoodpizza).

I have also met many new friends and acquaintances through the power of Twitter.  We share common likes (food, golf, reading), common interests (supporting community, kids, business, entertainment). Twitter has also helped me meet people new to Barrie and build relationships with many people outside of Barrie.

In terms of business, without Twitter, I may not have connected as well with many other local business people had I met them solely at local networking events. The reason?  Many networking events can be overwhelming and you meet a lot of people!  You may not remember much about a person through a brief meeting.  But, seeing occasional (or numerous) tweets from a person gives you a more thorough insight about what they do, who they are and what they are interested in.
Also, Twitter as a community is very helpful.  If you have a question and "Tweet It", chances are, someone can answer it or direct you to the answer.  Wondering why the power is out or if there was an earthquake?  Why traffic is stopped?  Twitter may also be able to tell you that.  Breaking news travels very fast via Twitter - faster than traditional media.  Thus, Twitter is one of the first places I turn to for answers.

Twitter can also provide leads for your business in real-time.  If someone you follow posts a need for an item or service you offer, you can respond to the post and contact the person at the exact time of need.  You can also use programs like Hoot-suite to set up a stream which lists only posts from a certain group of people (a list), posts that contain a certain keyword or words (ie: window for a glass company) or posts relating to a specific hashtag such as #Barrie.  A hashtag is a word or letters combined to represent a specific subject.  Many cities use them such as #GTA (Toronto area) #Barrie, #Orillia and more.  Hashtags are also used for events like #CGTA (Canadian Gift and Tableware Association), #HockeyNight (hockey night hash tag for playoffs) or #Blogathon (today's blogging event hosted at Creative Space).

You can also receive referrals from Twitter.  If someone finds value in your posts, he/she may refer other people to your business.  I have received and given many leads relating to products, restaurants and services through Twitter.

Overall, Twitter has changed my life, both personally and professionally, as it has allowed me to connect with people I would not have otherwise met, both locally and throughout the world.  By participating in Tweet-ups, I am also meeting people in person.  I have made friends throughout Ontario and look forward to opportunities to see them.  These people have also shared events and places within their own community to enjoy.

Twitter has expanded my horizons and allows me the interaction I need to keep abreast of happenings in my local and surrounding communities.  I learn something new every day.

To me, learning new things and meeting new people are the ultimate benefits of Twitter.  Join today and start interacting.